Engineering Academy Alumni College & Career

Engineering Academy Alumni Succeed in College and Career

One of the many benefits of an Engineering Academy education is that students are well prepared to get into competitive colleges and programs and succeed once they are there. Not to mention, Engineering Academy alumni land positions at companies near and far, leading to stellar careers. Here is a sampling of where they go:

Colleges and Universities

Local Employers

Michigan Technological University* Saint Mary's College Cone Drive
University of Michigan Grand Valley State University Hayes Manufacturing
Michigan State University Renssalear Polytechnic Institute

Electro-Optics Technology

Kettering University University of Copenhagen Gallagher Engineering
Ferris State University U.S. Coast Guard Academy Britten
Central Michigan University U.S. Naval Academy RJG
Western Michigan University Lake Superior State University Nealis Engineering
Middlebury College Cornell University Steel Appeal
Hope College Massachusetts Institute of Technology Skilled Manufacturing 
Kalamazoo College Aquinas College Kennametal
Northwestern Michigan College Northern Michigan University Century Extrusion


*Michigan Technological University created a scholarship for qualifying Engineering Academy graduates that amounts to $1,000 per year for four years!

Engineering Academy Alumni Succeed in Many College Majors

Engineering Disciplines

Other Disciplines

Mechanical Engineering Business Administration
Electrical Engineering Finance
Manufacturing Engineering Management
Computer Science Medicine
Biomedical Engineering Education
Chemical Engineering Physics
Civil Engineering Chemistry